I was inspired to create a DIY Stranger Things ornament after watching the very first season of the show.
If you’ve watched the show, you’ll completely understand the alphabet and Christmas lights, but if you haven’t watched yet, I won’t give it away.
What I love most about the show is the retro throwback style and coming-of-age feel.
A boy vanishes in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana and a whole series of eerie and mysterious events begin to unfold. It’s riveting!
And each season is wilder than the one before.
Once you watch it, you’ll be hooked, and then you can make a DIY Stranger Things ornament for yourself. Or make one as a gift for someone else who’s a big fan of the show.
How to Make a DIY Stranger Things Ornament
You’ll need:
One 3.5-inch paper maché round ornament with string
White spray paint (a small can will be plenty)
7/8″ Black alphabet letter stickers
Miniature Christmas light bulb ornaments
Hot glue gun and glue
Black embroidery floss
Using the white spray paint, spray the entire surface of the ornament. I find the easiest way to do this is to look for a dead twig in the yard, stick it into the ground and hang the ornament from a notch while you spray. Let dry completely. If it needs a second coat of paint, apply and let dry. (Mine needed two coats.)
Stick the alphabet stickers onto the ornament in three rows (A-H) (I-Q) and (R-Z) like so:
Remove the strings from the mini light ornaments, and hot glue a light above each alphabet letter with the bulb pointing down. Be careful not to push the hanger holes into the glue. You’ll need access to those.
Using three strands of floss, thread the top row of lights together throw the hanger holes, but leave the thread loose so it resembles real Christmas light strings. Tie a knot; cut the extra thread off. Repeat for the remaining two rows of lights.
Voila! The ornament is ready to be hung up and displayed!