FIRST OF ALL: The other day at the gym I accidentally unplugged my headphones slightly, so I Was Made for Lovin’ You by KISS blasted out loud to everyone in the vicinity. Cool person cover: BLOWN.
In the interest of being kind to myself this year/this prep, I ordered an acupressure mat & pillow set and a lacrosse ball from Amazon to use for workout recovery purposes. Both are painful, both are wonderful.
The reason I got the lacrosse ball: a couple of years ago I had a pretty painful shoulder issue, and after much WebMD research, I figured out that it was probably because I had tight pectoral muscles. (Who really thinks to stretch their pecs regularly? I sure didn’t.) So I took a lacrosse ball and pressed/rolled it between my pec and a wall, and after maybe 30 minutes, my shoulder felt SO much better.
Then when I took my first progress pictures of this prep, I noticed that my left lat appears much smaller than my right one. It’s partially because it’s on my non-dominant side, but I thought that maybe with some massage via lacrosse ball rolling, I could release some of the fascia and help it grow a little better.
IT REALLY HURTS, but I will keep you posted on whether it helps correct the imbalance. To be competitive in bodybuilding, your proportions and symmetry have to be as close to perfect as you can get them!
I got the acupressure set because I saw Courtney post it on her Instagram and I was curious!
I really love how the pillow feels on my neck and on my lower back, so I sit with it in those places while I lay in bed before going to sleep. It makes my skin tomato red afterward, which is a sign of increased circulation.
Anywho, here’s this week’s progress comparison! Lighting is a little different but I think I’m a leeeeetle bit leaner already.
Catch the first post in my figure competition prep series here, and follow along with my pro figure competition journey with Instagram hashtag: #proprepdiaries!
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