I’m back with this week’s Workout Wednesday! This time it’s a 15 minute ab workout that will whip your core into shape.
This ab workout will help you tone up AND build strength. Core work is very important to your overall health, as it helps improve your posture and can correct strength imbalances that contribute to back pain.
Tight Ab Workout
2 rounds back-to-back
~15 minutes total
Warmup: Jog in place for 60 seconds
Exercise 1: Quadruple crunch x 10
- Lift your head and shoulders off the ground by tightening your abs
- Crunch:
- Arms parallel to the ground
- Arms at knee level
- Arms through your knees
- Arms to the ceiling
Exercise 2: Plank for as long as you can – start with 30 seconds and add 10 seconds each time you complete this workout
Exercise 3: Leg lowers x 10
- Lie down with arms at sides
- Begin with legs together and pointing to sky
- Lower legs until they are hovering 6 inches above ground
- Repeat ten times
Exercise 4: Oblique lifts x 15 (right side only)
- Lie down leaning on right elbow
- Using your abs, crunch your left hip up as high as you can 15 times
Exercise 5: Russian twists x 20
- Sit with knees bent, leaning back so that tension is on your abs
- With hands clasped, twist to the right and tap the ground, then twist to the left and tap the ground
- Repeat 20 times (40 taps)
Exercise 5: Oblique lifts x 15 (left side only)
- Lie down leaning on left elbow
- Using your abs, crunch your right hip up as high as you can 15 times
Exercise 6: Plank again for as long as you can – start with 30 seconds and add 10 seconds each time you complete this workout
Exercise 7: Bridge twists x 20
- Get into a bridge position with feet together
- Lower knees to the right, engaging abs, then to the left. Alternate 20 times.
Exercise 8: Jumping jacks for 60 seconds
Remember – to complete this workout, you have to do it twice in a row! Good luck, and let me know in the comments if you try it!
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